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Supporting Victims and Potential Victims of Human Trafficking

About Us

Charity Against Human Trafficking

Survivor’s Destiny is a registered not-for-profit organisation both in the UK and Uganda. We are a multi-stakeholder initiative with the mission to provide combat human trafficking in all forms and support victims of human trafficking while also creating ...

The Problem

Trafficking of children and adults is a global criminal business, which targets and victimises the most vulnerable people for transportation, abuse and exploitation across the world. It is a largely hidden problem and is often described as a form of ...

What We Do

Survivor's Destiny's Projects

Survivor's Destiny's Projects


Human trafficking and exploitation can continue to exist …
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Traffickers manipulate and coerce, usually through deceit. …
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Survivor’s Destiny seeks to teach at-risk persons and …
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Survivor's Destiny Services

How We Serve

How We Serve

Counselling Support

In order to assist people in getting over their traumatic experiences, we offer …
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Human Traffic Advocacy

We're banding together to end this global problem of human trafficking. Survivor's …
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Peer Support Groups

Sometimes, we need a steady group of people to confide in and have the kind of dialogue …
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Empowerment Workshops

Living an empowering life requires doing things your way and staying true to who you …
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Survivor Care Kits

Survivor's Destiny's mission is to help victims of human trafficking rebuild their …
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Referrals to External Partners

Through innovative models of care, Survivor's Destiny is helping those who have been …
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