Survivor's Destiny's Projects


Survivor’s Destiny seeks to teach at-risk persons and provide them with tools to say "No!" to traffickers, empower them in what form we can, provide education for those in school, and teach skills for gainful, productive employment. We also ensure that their physical and emotional needs are met through safe housing and the nurturing and care of responsible adults. That way they may grow into persons who are confident of their value and worth, thus minimizing a trafficker’s ability to deceive and manipulate them into slavery or other forms of human trafficking.

While prevention is the goal, the harsh reality is that girls, boys, men and women are trafficked and exploited every day. But we believe that there is hope! We hope to provide a place for these persons to heal and be restored to the full and dignified members of society they were created to be and seek to partner with law enforcement, government agencies and other organizations that fight to protect victims.

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